Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 and 3

Well, did you think I'd already fell off the wagon? 

Day 2 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I had SO much energy after working out yesterday that I tackled cleaning the kitchen and bathroom...both tasks I do not like to do.  I got so busy doing other things, I didn't realize I needed to shower and get T until it was about 1!  I also went to the Walmart FOUR times yesterday!  Yeah, that's right....One trip could have been completely avoided if only I used my brain!  Oh well.... 

Yesterday, I did eight intense mintues of spinning on a stationary bike since yesterday was such a dreary day.  I followed that with eight minutes of ab workouts.  I've got some "special" workouts Kaleb made for me.  They are designed so I won't hurt my back any more and hopefully be able to continue with the program.  I actually called him yesterday afternoon and told him the workouts were too easy.... I wasn't feeling pushed or really out of breath.  He told me to up it to week two if I wanted to.  Then this morning I  just about couldn't get out of bed!  Ha!

I did increase today's workout to week two.  I jogged for ten minutes...(it came out to 1.033 mi.) and did 8 minutes of step aerobics.  It was good...I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow!

Now, I'm off to do the 5 million loads of laundry that need to be done!

Happy Laundry Day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1 cont...

Post workout:

Well, day 1 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! 

First, I'd like to put my goals out here in print so I'm actually acountable.  I'm trying things different this time around.  I've never written everything down.  I've also never given myself small little goals and prizes when I've met those goals.  I'd like to try it....

Starting weight:  lol, did you really think I'd put that up?  I'm honest, but even I've got my limits!
Total weight to lose: 60 pounds
First small weight loss goal: 10 lbs
First small goal check in: 3 weeks (January 24th)
First small goal prize: ? You guys help me decide!

I figure by doing it this way, I give myself small amounts of weight to lose in a time frame that is realistic and hopefully I won't get discouraged.  Generally, I'm a "want to lose it fast" kinda girl, and if I don't lose a considerable amount of weight quickly, I get discouraged.  I'm hoping to prevent that this time around!

My workout says to walk 12-15 minutes today, which I had every intention of doing this evening once Jt got home.... That was until he called me at 7:00 p.m.(he went out to my parent's house to feed after school) to inform me that one of our show pigs had stressed and collapsed.  He was trying to get her up and walking again and trying to comfort our 9 year old, whom was walking her at the time.... (she's doing much better now, just in case you're curious)  He didn't get home until almost 8 and by that time it's REALLY dark out here where I live.  I was going to chicken and not do it and just do double tomorrow, but.... I pulled out my Wii Fit Plus.  I walked and did some boxing and yoga for 20 minutes and honestly, I feel great! 

On a side note, how many of you are irked by the noise the balance board makes when you get on to weigh?  I mean really?  And is it really necessary to make the Mii fatter if you've gained a couple of pounds?  Grrrrr!  Nothing like a little motivation from a video game!

Well, I hope all of you are sticking to your resolutions!  Good luck and let me know how you're doing!

Day 1

I write this as I lay in my nice comfy bed...not really wanting to get up yet.  Partly because it's the last day we get to sleep in and the kids aren't up yet and partly because I know once I get up I've got to get moving.  I've got to do laundry today and finish putting away the Christmas many things, I need to make a list!

Speaking of lists... here's one I made yesterday.
Homemaking entries for Ty
speciality cakes: Gramma's Red Velvet (recipe Gramma Shrader)
chocolate layer cake: Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake (recipe Paula Deen, XMas '09 pg 39
quick bread: Banana blueberry bread (my recipe)
pies: pecan (recipe Mrs. Whitmire)
       fruit (recipe - my berry pie)
candy: pralines (recipe - Mrs Rippstien's or Paula Deen new mag pg 38)

I think these are the one's we'll tackle and if we have time, we'll add a few more.  I'll have to sample some of these, I guess.  Wish I would have thought about that at Christmas.... Now, as I begin a new diet, I'm thinking about dessert!

Speaking of diets...well, yeah...

I'll write about that AFTER I workout!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stop Trying and Start Doing!

I saw this on a billboard regarding New Year's resolutions...  Something about this struck true with me.  This year is a big year for me.  Something about turning the big 3-0 can do that to ya, I guess.  There were so many things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30....losing weight topping the list. 

Losing weight....ugh.  This is one that's been on the list for me for the past 6-7 years. So this year, I'm going to make myself accountable and post my thoughts; the good, bad and the ugly!

So I've got a workout plan and a diet all laid out for me; courtesy of Kaleb.  We'll see how this all goes! 

Who's with me?  :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming!

Christmas is only 23 days away.  Oh boy...  this year Santa is going to need a little help! 

I used to have tons of free time, where I could make all of my Christmas calendars and Christmas cards by hand with actual pictures.  They were super cute.  That was before the kids went to school...You'd think with more kids in school, I'd have even more free time on my hands.  Right?  Wrong.  That's when I ventured over the Shutterfly.

They've got all sorts of neat stuff like...

These awesome Christmas photo cards.
No need for any messy glue...just add your pictures and they instantly become your own creations.

I think I'll be using this one this year.  The doodl-y plaid and handwriting is to die for and it matches the kids pj's!

Their Christmas calendars are a life saver!  Having to make on for each set of four grandparents was really time consuming.  Now I can just create one and Shutterfly does all the work for me!  Check them out here...

One year, when Kaleb was still in high school, I even blew up one of my favorite action shots of him in football for his wall.  It's got amazing clarity for such a large print and he's taken it with him to college and still has it in his room today!

Well, this Mrs. Claus is going to get herself over to  I've got some pictures to turn into Christmas gifts!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween's Coming!

If you're like me, your week has been jam-packed with all sorts of fun stuff.... and you still have two or three costumes to finish putting the final touches on!

Our Tuesday nights are normally hectic... we have Cub Scouts and last night we had our annual Fall Festival.  Anyway, while I recover and finish up the kid's costumes here are some pictures of our Fall Festival.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bubbly Cauldron

So, occasionally I have a crafty moment.... (for all of you out there who think I'm crafty all the time - you can go right ahead and keep thinking that!) and can think up something all on my own, with out stealing  borrowing the idea from somewhere else.  This was one of those times when I was standing in the middle of Hobby Lobby in the extremely premature Christmas isle.  This is what I was able to brew up...

You will need:

1 large black cauldron
1 medium clay pot (or whatever else you have laying around that will give you some height and will also fit inside of your cauldron)
1 round piece of styrofoam
20 guage wire
wire cutters
6 total pkgs of christmas balls (mine were the six count pkgs and I used 3 silver and 3 green)
1 silver-glittery floral spray with ornaments

 Take your big black cauldron and invert your clay pot inside, so that bottom is facing up.
Then, insert a piece of wire into your styrofoam and curl the top and bottom to secure the foam to the clay pot.  (This will help secure the design.)

First, you may want to go ahead and insert your floral pick, if you were able to find one.  Center it on the cauldron to imitate bubbles coming up, over the pot.  Next, you will need to cut your wire.  I bought the package in the floral section and cut mine into about 5-6 inch sections.  Wrap one end through the top of  the ornament and twist is tight.  You may want to use the end of your wire cutters or get some needle-nose pliers to make it tight.  Take the opposite end and arrange your oranaments how you want them to look inside your cauldron (think of a potion that is bubbling up and over the sides).  Please feel free to get frustrated, leave the project sitting and come back and try again in a few hours! :)

This is what I was going for with my balls.

Here is the final product!  Happy Brewing!